Brookdale Park Dog Park is located in Montclair/Bloomfield, New Jersey.
This website provides some basic information about the park, as well as showcases some of the pups who play there.
If you and your dog are new to the dog park, please take a moment to read the About page to help plan your visit.
Visit the Dog of the Day page to get to know some of the regulars at Brookdale Park Dog Park. While each dog has its day, the dogs on our site get to enjoy their fame for a little bit longer.
Our News of the Day page is updated periodically, so check back often.
Take a minute to read Henry’s Story to find out how we came to be dog park regulars. After that, read Henry’s blog to find out what Henry’s life is like, inside and outside of the park.
Read about Brookdale Park on the official Essex County website.
Finally, reach out to the Bloomfield Animal Shelter or PAWS of Montclair if you are interested in adoption or donating.

Brookdale Park: more than just dogs! claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed.