Henry and Onyx tussling this morning around 11:30 AM.
Author Archives: Henry’s Mom
It’s hard out here for a single mom
This story in the Star Ledger caught our eye this morning (also available on NJ.com) about a stray dog sighting in Toms River. Apparently a mom Jack Russell terrier was spotted on the side of the road, leading a couple of her pups along. Authorities were able to locate and (humanely) capture the mom and all nine, yes NINE, puppies, who are about 5 weeks old.
The headline of the piece was what struck me as odd: “Authorities searching for owner of 9 puppies found in Toms River woods.” Does anyone really think this dog has an owner looking for her? If they do find the owner, will he or she be overwhelmed with relief at being reunited with the dogs, or face charges and possible jail time like that woman who abandoned Patrick?
Comments on the online article expressed mostly outrage at a possible dumping and speculated on the mamma dog’s history. We liked this one best:
maybe she was a stray….running the streets/woods and some dude took advantage of her and left her in a family way…and as Moms do….she handled it and now she is safe and her babies will be adopted and I guess this is a happy ending!!!! Positive thinking!!!
I can’t imagine some creep ditching this mama because she was pregnant….that is just evil.
It’s hard out there for single moms, human and dog alike. This Father’s Day let’s be thankful for the ones whose greatest gift to their children is to love their mother.
#TBT: An October Afternoon on the First Day of Spring
We became aware of the phenomenon of “Throwback Thursdays” (#TBT) after seeing the acronym posted on several friends’ FB updates featuring older pics and video from days past. In our attempt to keep current with all things #socialmedia, we have provided a quick video from October 2012 of Henry and Charlie (and an unknown black Lab) playing tug and chase among the fallen leaves.
Just think, back then we had no inkling about how long or “disruptive” this winter would be. We were in the moment, enjoying a fall afternoon watching these high-energy pups at play. Here’s to the start of a new season at the park — and to the remembrance of things past.
Reports of Possible Dog Poisoning at Mills Reservation
A young, healthy dog died unexpectedly after a visit to Mills Reservation this weekend. We don’t know this dog of his owner personally and all is still speculation, but owners are being cautioned. See the full Baristanet story here.
Here’s a link to a WebMD article about common substances that are toxic to pets. From that article:
Some of the more toxic plants to dogs include:
- Azaleas and rhododendrons. These pretty flowering plants contain toxins that may cause vomiting, diarrhea, coma, and potentially even death.
- Tulips and daffodils. The bulbs of these plants may cause serious stomach problems, convulsions, and increased heart rate.
- Sago palms. Eating just a few seeds may be enough to cause vomiting, seizures, and liver failure.
Let’s hope that this dog’s death was an accident and not someone’s evil intention.
Photo courtesy of Simon Howell/FreeDigitalPhotos.net