Like so many other media outlets, Brookdale Park Dog Park dot com is looking back on the past year. Here are a couple of highlights as we remember them (not necessarily in any order):
- A guest blog post on Baristanet
- Henry had his picture taken by professional photographer Beth Burstein
- Henry won the “Most Congenial Dog” award at Obal’s Dog Day Afternoon event
- Henry had his picture take again (!) by professional photographer Stacey Gammon
- We had fun watching the Strut your Mutt parade hosted by Joe DiVincenzo
- We posted quite a few amazing slide shows and videos
Perhaps the biggest change came around Memorial Day when Henry’s mom had to go back to work full time. Dog park visits were limited to Sunday mornings and the odd day off here and there. She was able to keep up on dog park happenings thanks to the Facebook Group Dog Park Friends, hosted by dog park regular and dad to Duncan, Joe Rosen, and posting to her own Facebook page dedicated to the park.
We had to say good bye to two very much loved friends — Comar and Molly, pictured below.
Molly and Ray, Feb. 1, 2013
Thanks to all who visit this site and like our page on FB. Best wishes to all humans and dogs for a happy and successful 2014.