Saturday, October 23, Registration 9 AM, Parade 9:30

Time for some Halloween costume drama at Brookdale park. While not actually “in” the dog park, Strutt Your Mutt, the annual dog and owner costume parade, takes place a few steps away, down the hill and a little to the right.
This is the kind of event where spectators have as much if not more fun than the participants. Wrangling dogs who are wearing uncomfortable accessories can be challenging, as is keeping your own get-up from falling off or blocking your vision. But participant and spectators are ensured an eyeful and prizes are awarded for a number of different categories.
According to the sign (above), the event is sponsored by ARJ Civic, which we believe is a new wrinkle. According to the website,
The Anibal Ramos Jr. Civic Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of Newark residents by offering scholarships to students, hosting free community events and donating food and other goods to needy families. All contributions to ARJ Civic are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Of course, a picture of parks czar Essex County Executive Joe DiVincenzo also graces the signage. Joe’s let his hair go natural lately, and we approve.