Pooch Play: Have You Tried It?

Pooch Play, TotowaAs much as we all love the dog park. sometimes bad weather precludes us from attending as much as we would like.  Extreme cold and slushy conditions make for numb hands and dirty dogs. Tired of shivering and having your coat trashed by muddy paws? Enter  Pooch Play, a doggie daycare service located in Petco stores.

While we have often looked in at the dogs at Pooch Play at the Petco on Route 46 West in Totowa, we have never joined in. Doggie day care is not exactly a new concept, and some of our dog park friends have visited Camp Bow Wow and other places nearby. However, we were wondering if anyone had taken advantage of this nearby addition.

Billed as “Serious Fun for Dogs,” Pooch Play has separate areas for our big and small friends, with some mixing, depending on temperament (all dogs undergo a temperament test). Owners must have proof of vaccinations and flea/tick treatment. The rates seem reasonable — $35 for the day, $15 for a half day  — and packages are offered. Pooch Play also suggests making a grooming appointment for your dog during day care hours, and the employees will “nanny” your dog to his or her appointment.

So what are your feelings about places like Pooch Play? Most dogs don’t mind the cold and the mess of the park in winter…but sometimes we do. Is the indoor alternative more for us than them? Weigh in with your comments below.

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